Audiences by Synthesio

We’re excited to announce a new feature, Audiences! Marketers and Insight Pros can now go from analyzing consumer conversations to running behavioral-based audience research under one platform.

Find a new conversation topic in your listening data? Turn it into an audience interest and learn more about your consumers.

Combined, conversational and behavioral insights reveal what makes consumers tick. For businesses, it all adds up to faster consumer-centric decisions at scale.

The What and Why of Behavorial Insights

Consider yourself. How often are you tweeting or commenting on social? If you are like most people, it’s rare. Instead, the silent majority of social media users are ‘lurkers,’ i.e., people who elect to browse and digest.

Importantly, lurking behavior can be captured and structured. We can shape connections, likes, and follows into distinct consumer profiles, which reveal the over-represented interests of potential target audiences.

While conversational data is critical, so too is capturing behavioral data. Again, it represents a wide swath of consumers and reveals what makes audiences unique and connected.

How does Audiences by Synthesio Work?

Within your Listening Dashboard, you can take an entity (which includes everything from products and people to organizations) and turn it into an ‘Interest’ in the new Audience section.

After adding a location and more interests, you’ll have created your target audience. From here, we’ll compare this target audience to the general population, thus surfacing your target’s favorite hobbies, brands, people, and more.

Audiences is powered by Facebook Ads Manager, which gathers the online behavior of more than 2 billion monthly active users across the Facebook suite and millions of other websites.

Read: Audience Intelligence Explained

Use-Cases and Insights

Audience intelligence compliments conversational analysis and deepens overall consumer understanding. With audience insights, explore:

  • Audience enrichment: Learn the lifestyle choices and behaviors that define your audience
  • New segments: Uncover new or niche audience segments 
  • Media planning: Identify your audience’s preferred media channels
  • Sponsorship and event strategy:  Find your audience’s favorite brands and live events 

Let’s walk you through a practical example.

The Dalgona Coffee Trend

When finding a new listening insight, the next logical step is to determine whether the newly found topic represents a sizeable and interesting audience. For example, during the lockdown in March, a coffee brand found an emerging trend around ‘Dalgona Coffee’ (a creamy coffee creation). Was this a fad or an actual trend with a sizeable audience?

To answer this question, they used Audiences to create a ‘Dalgona’ segment and learned the following.:

  • Audience size: The ‘Dalgona’ trend represents a sizable movement, with over 66 million people showing a behavioral interest in the trend

  • Demographically, they quickly learned some key characteristics. Dalgona fans are young and mostly female. And Brazil contains the most ‘Dalgona’ fans.
  • Behavioral insights reveal that in terms of ‘Hobbies and Activities’, this audience loves to cook various cuisines. And while doing so, according to their preferred ‘Arts & Entertainment’, they like to enjoy some calming music such as jazz, classical, or the blues.



 Media Planning

Audience insights easily inform media planning. When looking at the same ‘Dalgona’ segment, there’s a clear preference for discussion-based platforms like Tumblr and Reddit. This information helps the brand prioritize these channels for advertising purposes; it also informs listening efforts moving forward. As a brand, they should listen more closely to those channels and search for educational topics to then weave across their ad copy.


Sponsorship Strategy

Thirdly, for this example, Audiences can help with a brand’s sponsorship strategy. In this dataset, we are looking at ‘Dalgona’ fans’ favorite brands. When looking to implement a cross-brand promotion strategy, Audiences quickly helps inform a shortlist of brands to start with.


In Conclusion

Consumers, because they are human, are complex. Therefore, the more lenses we have to analyze and understand them, the better. With conversation and behavioral analysis in one place, you’ll save time and learn what makes your audiences unique and connected.

Audiences is available for most Listening Dashboard users. Simply ask your Account Manager if you’d like to use it. Audiences is an extension of Profiler, Synthesio’s dedicated audience analysis product. Stay tuned as we bring even more of Profiler’s capabilities inside of the Listening Dashboard experience.

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